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Wholesale customers:

Delivering to wholesale landscape and nursery customers in the Atlanta region.  For current list of available plants on the following page, please call or email for current password. 



Please call to pre-book spring orders such as: vegetable transplants, herbs, hanging baskets, early color in 5" pots, bedding plants, succulents, or color in 6" pots


Please call to pre-book fall orders such as: vegetable transplants, herbs, bedding plants such as pansies, companion plants such as foxgloves, snapdragons, dianthus, ornamental cabbages or kale.

Retail customers:

We are no longer open to the public, due to many factors, including intensity of work during our busy season, as well as changes to tax implications if we are open as "retail." Please visit our wonderful retail customers in Social Circle and nearby garden centers!

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